Polarizing Optics

Complete selection of components that modify the state of polarization of optical radiation. Polarizing optics includes: brewster windows, polarization plane rotators, round or rectangular thin film laser polarizers that are coated for particular laser application. Cube polarizing beamsplitters, glan-taylor polarizing prisms, wollaston and rochon polarizing prisms are available. Wide selection of quartz retardation plates, including: zero order optically contacted and air-spaced wave plates, achromatic air-space wave plate, zero order dual wavelength wave plate, low order and multiple order wave plates.

Retardation Plates (Quartz & Achromatic Wave Plates)

EKSMA OPTICS offers crystal quartz and achromatic (made from crystal quartz and magnesium fluoride) retardation plates. Multiple order, low order or zero order wave plates are available of quarter and half wave retardation. Wave plates are suitable for high or low power laser applications.

Plate Polarizers - Brewster Windows

Intended for high energy laser beams intracavity usage, transmit 100% p-polarization component, reflect 20% s-polarization component.



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Polarizing Prisms - Natural Calcite Glan Laser Polarizing Prisms

Glan laser polarizers are useful in applications requiring high degree of polarization purity, high total transmission and low, medium or high power requirements.

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Polarization Plane Rotators & Fresnel Rhombs - Polarization Plane Rotators

As compared to a waveplate, a rotator has an intrinsic advantage of being independent of rotation around its own optical axis.


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Fresnel Rhombs

Due to unequal phase shifts arising in orthogonally polarized components of an incident wave at total internal reflection Fresnel Rhombs are used to alter polarisation type of radiation.


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